It's a given that Social Media websites draw the most traffic. Following closely behind are Ecommerce websites. If you have a business and you want to stay in touch with your customers and to also build a customer-base, you need a strong online presence. Put your brand out on the world wide web, just one swipe away from your next big sales opportunity! Here are some useful pointers to enhance your customer's experience with your brand online. #CLEAN & CLEAR You may have a plethora of products for sale. Don't endeavour to put them all up on one single page. Clean up the layout and make navigation easy. Categories should be well-defined and listings should be comprehensive. Too much imagery and 'sponsored suggestions' can confuse and ultimately tire out your customer. #CLARITY IN COMMUNICATION You are not writing a product thesis. You may have 100-pages worth of info on the product, but your customer definitely does not have the time for it. Headings,...